KjMCO Mission / Kj Matland & CO
KjMCO / Kj Matland & Co is Kjell J Matland's gospel ministry. Kjell and his team is engaged in street evangelism, preaching, online gospel teaching, intercession and prayer. We operate outside of all denominations and sects, both domestically and abroad. We represent only Jesus, not any member organization or group. On the street we preach the gospel in two minutes. We explain the essence of the whole gospel in about two minutes. Many who choose to listen also choose to say yes to Jesus. We can then help to fellowship without membership. The truth of God's Word sets us free. If you would like our service where you are or in your city, you may contact us.
KjMCO / Kj Matland & Co er Kjell J Matland sin virksomhet. Kjell og hans team driver med gate evangelisering, forkynnelse, internett undervisning og forbønn. Vi opererer utenom alle kirkesamfunn og sekter, både innenlands og utenlands. Vi representerer bare Jesus, ikke noen medlems organisasjon eller gruppe. På gaten forkynner vi evangeliet på to minutter. Vi forklarer essensen i hele evangeliet på ca to minutter. Mange som velger å høre, velger da også å si ja til Jesus. Vi kan så hjelpe med fellesskap uten medlemskap. Sannheten i Guds ord setter fri. Om du ønsker vår tjeneste der du er eller i din by, kan du gjerne kontakte oss.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
I serve and love Jesus Christ, no denomination or the like. In Jesus I trust and to Him I belong.The purpose of my life is therefore to build the Kingdom of God, His Church and not my own.
I teach and preach, as God is revealing His word to me. Many like it, both at home and abroad. Lately I have mostly worked in Norway, in the streets and otherwise, together with others and alone. I serve and work as God makes me able.
I have seen many people saved, healed and delivered. It is great to experience this, that God is still walking with us today, confirming His word with His spirit and power. Since action often speaks better than words, I have also included some videos below. Some are in English and some in Norwegian language. You may find all my videos on Youtube, by pressing the button on top of this page.
I hope you will support my mission. You can use Paypal, Vipps, World Remit , Western Union or Bank Account to support. The worker is worthy of his pay, 1Tim 5:18.
Bank Account: 1506 59 68719
IBAN: NO23 1506 5968 719
Thank you, God bless you and may the grace of God
be with you.